Possibly the best looking G&T there is, wouldn't you agree?!
The gentle bitterness from the angostura in the aromatic tonic balances perfectly with the complex, juniper-forward KRAFT Gin.
A strong and bold pink G&T.
Go on, check out the recipe below and make it for yourself...
Bold and Aromatic Citrus G&T with Orange & Juniper
Rated 5.0 stars by 5 users
Pink and Bold Grapefruit G&T
Prep Time
2 minutes
One of the best-selling G&T's on our London bar menus. Aromatic tonic marries up perfectly with the Kraft Gin, with a beautiful balance of bitter, zesty and citrusy flavours.
Author:Jim ft. Chief Mixologist Seb

50ml KRAFT Hopped Grapefruit Gin
150-200ml Aromatic tonic (you can't go wrong with Fever Tree Aromatic, or use a regular Indian tonic and add some angostura bitters)...
Plenty of cubed ice...
x1 orange
Juniper Berries
Grab a large copa (aka balloon) glass...
Try to ensure your glass is pre-chilled and not warm. To do this, you can fill it with some ice and swirl it round for 15 secs and then discard this ice. However, if you don't have that much ice to mess around with, swill your glass under some very cold water. Just make sure that glass is nice and cold somehow yeah!...
Now the good stuff, add 50ml (i.e. a double shot) of your KRAFT Hopped Grapefruit Gin...
Add plenty of cubed ice. IMPORTANT: ice that bad boy all the way to the top to reduce dilution and a watery cocktail...
Crack open the aromatic tonic and pour into your glass...
Slice your orange into a nice big wedge...
Sprinkle in a small handful of Juniper Berries...
Give it a gentle stir...
Sit back and enjoy your citrusy, aromatic G&T!
Recipe Video
Recipe Note
Check out our popular Kraft Hopped Grapefruit Gin and Tonic Gift Box, which contains a bottle of 'Kraft' Gin plus 2 J&T balloon glasses, 2 Franklin & SonsGinger Ale and 2 Franklin & SonsMallorcanTonic water.